Connaught combines technical know-how and sector expertise with secure, flexible, high capacity systems to provide its clients with customised e-communications. These can either be integrated into their in-house systems or provided as a cost-effective managed service, supported by a suitable service level agreement (SLA), whichever best suits clients’ requirements.

You may be a publisher wanting to distribute online material securely to subscribers, an industrial company wanting to protect designs, a marketing company wanting integrated web/broadcast email, or a financial institution needing to guarantee privacy of data in electronic transit. Connaught can ensure your information reaches the intended recipients in the appropriate format and at optimum speed. We also offer detailed reporting on distribution and usage and, where required, sophisticated access control and onward forwarding protection of your data / intellectual property.

To discuss how Connaught could take your communications pain away, call Connaught on +44 (0)20 8755 6978, or email your enquiry to

Connaught FactsLine Ltd
Maple House
11 Briar Road