dotEncrypt document protection pricing
Pricing for Connaught's dotEncrypt document protection solution reflects its flexibility. For example, our standard Managed or Licensed Services provide organizations with a scalable choice between simply outsourcing their requirements for Connaught to manage, perhaps as part of a broader managed communications service brief, or running the document protection process themselves under licence.

On Demand Managed Service
Our essential On Demand service enables anyone (even an individual) who requires protection for just a single document, or perhaps a limited number of documents on an occasional basis, to benefit from Connaught's rapid response, 100% managed, sealing, licensing, distribution, support and usage reporting service. The On Demand service is probably best suited for those with a potential annual budget for document protection of up to £5,000.

Ongoing Managed Service
This model is designed for those organizations that would prefer to outsource their ongoing requirements to Connaught - simply providing the data and leaving Connaught to manage the ongoing document protection, distribution and reporting on their behalf. Set up charges will depend on client’s agreed requirements and the nature / scale of initial implementation. Monthly charges will reflect both service usage and also the extent to which the service is integrated with client’s systems. The Ongoing Managed Service is probably suited for those with a potential annual budget for document protection of more than £5,000.

Licensed Service
This service is designed for those organisations that wish to run the generic service themselves. Whilst this model is ideally suited for those offering subscription-based information, pricing is also designed to reflect variable service usage, to ensure appropriate month-by-month charging. The Licensed Service is also probably best suited for those with a potential annual budget for document protection of more than £5,000.

Customised Solution
Our Customised document protection pricing model is designed for those organizations that want to run the software as a branded, integrated part of their own electronic information distribution and whose requirements are likely to be best met via the dotEncrypt Application Programme Interface (API). A Customised Solution is best suited for those with higher volumes of document production and anticipated demand for licensed content access, who have a potential annual budget for document protection of £25,000 plus.

So, whether you have a one-off or an ongoing requirement, or whether you are an individual or a large organization, our scalable pricing will enable you to select the point of entry that best matches your requirements. Whichever that is, the access reports we provide will then support the business case for any potential additional investment.

For a more detailed breakdown please consult our dotEncrypt document protection pricing schedule or contact Connaught on +44 (0)20 8755 6978.



To discuss how Connaught could take your communications pain away, call Connaught on +44 (0)20 8755 6978, or email your enquiry to